How to live a life of joy in our fast paced world

About 12 years ago I traveled from San Salvador to Guatemala City on a bus. Somewhere close to the border, a French man with shoulder-length white hair, soft green eyes, and a scarf wrapped around his neck boarded and sat next to me.

The man was silent for over an hour. He observed me as I tried to read my poetry book amidst the curves and jolts. When I took out my journal to try to write he stopped me and started to speak.

I wish I had recorded everything he shared. But I'll never forget the last sentences before he exited the bus again.

“I wish I could tell all the young people like yourself to stop moving so fast, and to stop and smell the flowers” Never move so fast that you don't have time to smell the flowers”

Since that day 12 years ago the world has gotten even faster. We have become even more distracted. And his advice has become even more relevant.

Sometimes I catch myself hurrying feverishly somewhere, trapped in my thoughts, heart racing. It’s often during these times that I'll pass by a rose bush or a bunch of irises blooming from the street.

Sometimes I'm so distracted that I'll miss them completely. But when I stop to smell them, everything transforms.

The sweet fragrance connects me to the miracle of the universe. The joy and beauty that is present everywhere. It’s impossible not to feel gratitude when you inhale the sweet nectar of rose or honeysuckle. And when you feel gratitude, miracles arrive at your doorstep.

Feel thankful for the beauty of the universe and you'll notice yourself receiving more beautiful situations. A new joyous friend will arrive into your life. Your house plants will start looking healthier and brighter. Suddenly you'll even start noticing more beauty in yourself in the mirror.

And once you begin this cycle there's no stopping the miracles. Feeling more beautiful makes you want to feed your body with foods and drinks worthy of a beautiful person. Wear clothes worthy of a beautiful person.

Soon you'll find yourself walking down the street and notice that everyone is looking at you like the same rose you stopped to appreciate.

Today I invite you to step away from your computer, phone free. Step outside and take a nourishing, meditative walk. When you see flowers, allow yourself to breathe in the sweetness, reminding yourself that you are made of the same grace. And watch the miracles of your life unfold


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